Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sad but true

Some politicians just don't get it.


  1. The article mentions artificial breeding - bees aren't inseminated are they? Cross breeding would not be considered artificial would it? Some lady congresswomen from MO last named Davis didn't want to continue summer lunch programs for the poor - expected all the kids 16 and over to go get a job at McDonalds for the free meal while working. Your right, our politicians don't get it.

  2. Yes some do inseminate the queen. Most beekeepers I know would not buy them or introduce the stock into their bee yards

  3. That's the very reason I bought my turkeys - cuz they can breed normally.

    We are still carrying off snakes - been a beaudacious year for the critters. watering is becoming cumbersome too.

    Della took the queen class - she has every intention of raising queens. I just love having them here - really hope the bee keepers come to the Hort Industry show in Jan.
