Thursday, August 13, 2009

Gardening Spirits

I went out to cut blackberries back - old canes must go, new growth has to be tied up or the tips start new plants and take root in the mowing area and that becomes the biggest mess. The old dead oak in the driveway area needs to come down but two Mississippi kites have used the tree as a mating and dating tree. One of them was watching me for about 10 to 15 minutes - I was watching back. These birds are not large and have a light grey head and grey plummage and a scissor type tail - it called a couple of times - that was awesome too.

The canes in one row were cut out quicker when David joined me. We cut, then tied and then David drove to town to buy a new tool because he could not find the driver for the little bolts he was using to keep the wire tight - it had gotten so loose from the snow and even after tightened, we could tell we needed a winch instead of simply pulling the wire. I used the weedeater around the base of the plants for the worst of the weeds, mowed and got one row cleaned up. It gets late fast after the having the morning get started so badly.
We ended up getting the watering done, mowing the front yard up to the Gourd Trellis. This picture is from last year - when I had the gourds in pots and I think this is after the hail damage. This year I wanted them in the ground so they look different - still I need to take new pictures.
I only picked tomatoes today - I hate to pick more than I can sell and setting out the signage with all the work didn't happen. I spend way to much time losing things - we spend way too much time losing things cuz that's why David had to buy a new tool and at one time I had cutters for the blackberries and when I went back to do more, poof, gone. I think I need a keeper.
Well, we all need a keeper - something to keep us motivated, that gives us hope, that fills the void. I've spoken about religion before - and I thought I need to clarify myself a bit - but I'd really like to share part of where I am after I give you a place to go hunt and read up for yourself. I took a test many years ago - it is on a spot called and it is called the religion selector. I took the test and then asked my husband to do the same. I ended up with a leaning toward Quakerism - and last night I went and got a gun. I wasn't born Quaker but I do lean toward that idealism of pascifism and simplicity. My husband scored high on believing in Reform Judiasm - I'd love to know where you readers stand on this - not to argue, not to create strife but because I am a curious cat. I don't think I could have shot the gun at anyone - but it is funny how fear can affect one's position. What's funny is I bet all of you thought I was either wiccan or native American in my faith.

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