If I had had time yesterday I would have picked a massive bouquet of daffodils - right now there's an inch of snow on the roses outside the window - Yesterday was over 70 and the greenhouse was hot. No mood to even go look today - so I need to work on taxes and the day is over at 4:43 - shopping was more fun. I am going to spray a bacillius in the greenhouse tomorrow to murder my only pest - fungus gnats disappear when plants hit the great outdoors - they only survive in the warmth and artificial environment of the greenhouse.
I am struggling with not wanting to make labels and not sure if I could get away without them - I could number things - with a silver pen - and then hand out ID sheets or cards - eggplant are up and peppers look ok - most maters have are looking good too. I transplanted a lot of nasturtiums and hyacinth beans - it's funny when you think about how much something costs at fancy restaurants and all it is is a flower or two in a salad.
Well, work isn't getting done without my eyes and hands - so this is a short note. I wish it had not snowed - it makes it all soggy wet again - nothing has been planted here, onions are growing in the sack they were purchased in - sad state of affairs - but it will get there - slowly.
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