I have waited long enough - the ground is dry and we will till today - David's got two gardens to till - then we finally get our own done. I have lots of overgrown cole crops - and I never plan to start these again cuz I have the shittiest (I'm sorry but this is the word to use) luck when it comes to broccoli and the like. My cherry tomatoes are ready for the big pots - now! Do I dare - and the geese still sit where I plan to move my regular tomatoes - grrrrrr. Lord help me - the forsyntia is in bloom - plant your peas now too - hurry - more rain coming Friday.
Footnote - if you get a huge influx of grasshoppers - grab all you can, stuff them into a blender and make grasshopper sludge - if there is disease in them and you spray it all over your garden, they will consume themselves - they are cannibalistic that way - and the germs the smushy ones have will be shared - and they die quicker. They also do not like the taste of very very hot peppers - a good use for Kong Pow (not the right spelling) and Habanero - she said with a deep bow at hips and whispering - good luck muchachos.
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