Wow, went to Turley last night to see Food Inc. Huge Sigh! OMG - our food system is so screwed up - much like our Corporate America. When the lady spoke of losing her 2 1/2 yr old son to ecoli - I almost lost it.
Something is terribly wrong here - cows being fed corn to grow fatter quicker develop stomach problems that result in ecoli bacteria that are pooped into massive pens with millions of other cows that all shit and stink and are killed and put into our hamburger - chickens are fed massive amounts of antibiotics to control disease and grow fat so fast their lungs and hearts cannot keep up and are loaded into trucks for the slaughter house by men who kick them and stuff them into bins going to Tyson. If you are upset with the illegals from Mexico and other south of the border countries - talk to the slaughter houses where they were encouraged to move here after we shipped cheap corn to their countries putting their farmers out of business. And don't get me started on Monsanto. They have coopted the corn, wheat, soy and now are working on alfalfa seeds. Farmers who have been feeding this nation now belong to their inner sanctum of roundup proof seed users - that resist certain bugs for now - but as those bugs begin to feed and develop resistence - no telling where that will take us. And GMO seeds- are they good for us - has the FDA really tested its affects.
I only eat beef once very two weeks only because of anemia prevention. I still buy too much chicken and ground turkey and I still eat out but my eating has changed enough I've lost 40 lbs. I cut white flour and white sugar out of my diet mostly - white flour creeps in here and there but the sugar is pretty much gone.
I know people who buy gold and horde it as a shield against some future disaster but right now I am thinking seed. Before Monsanto starts in on Tomatoes. Before they get their hands on greenbeans. I have three tom turkeys I need to butcher soon - they are a yr old - and I wish one had been a hen but they were not. I am kinda scared for those who live in town with small yards and more scared for those who live in apartments. I have bees - and am adding a full 10 hives to the property and keeping them alive - two hives are thriving - the third was weak to begin with and may be out of the loop before their is enough food. I am going to get worms - for compost - I have a bunny and I have access to goat nahnah.
Maybe I need to learn to kill bunnies - can't believe I just said that - but they breed pretty fast and aren't huge like a cow or pigs. And I need a dozen or more chickens. Wow - are you planting - are you going to grow enough to eat and put some in your freezer, are you going to take on the job of feeding your own family this year. Yep, I am a market manager for two markets - and I am still scared that no matter how loud we yell, you will still buy from WalMart or even Whole Foods and think you are doing good but maybe it is time you think growing.
I knew I'd be smacked in the face again by the movie Food Inc. I just didn't realize how much I want you all to know I'm still scared.
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