I planted over 80 tomato plants in the lower garden - there's over 80 in another location too - they look ok - in the goose pen - but the lower garden - so sad. I even transplanted a flat of 16 plants that looked good - healthy Lemon Boy yellow tomatoes - they look like sticks and 2 good weeks ago they were healthy plants. I have not been able to get to other parts of the garden successfully to clean up weeds - what didnt' get mulched is about to be tilled under - I am heart sick over the devastation my gardens have incurred with torrential spring rains for 4 years - summer begins tomorrow.
I've given up taking food to downtown Tulsa - I spend my gas, go and sit - find out that the downtown market is now on chopping block if the garage below insists on our $1M insurance policy that I have no idea will come from. DTU used to carry that - they were dissolved last year. I have to have an answer in the morning regarding this issue - will the MayFest group carry a policy on is - I offered to call the mayor's office and the lady from the garage got a bit upset - I didn't mean anything by it - they have a right to ask for insurance but don't they already cover any accidents that might occur on their own behalf? Why duplicate the premiums? Insurance companies are killing us as it is - but then every time a person gets hurt someone has to pay right???
The bungie cord slipped out of my hand the first day of market and slapped me soundly upside my right cheek and then flipped with less force and clipped the other side of my head. I went to my knees and then to my butt - it hurt so bad. I don't know if I had a dimple there before but appears to be one now. Maybe I should sue someone - nah - I caused my own injury. Humans trip and fall. Things happen - I have insurance and a doctor but it wasn't called for. We all carry car insurance - I think we all do.
I expect everyone to care for their tents properly - now we won't be able to tie them to our cars - if we get to continue the market that is. If we close - I won't fight to keep it open - but I have a feeling that all will go ok - someone should have contacted me by now if it wasn't.
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