Sunday, June 13, 2010

Farm Building Almost Done

I bought a building almost exactly 1 1/2 yrs ago - my goal was to turn it into an air conditioned, room that customers could use without speaking to me - smiles. Yes, I am not getting much done when I am talking to a customer and I also have faith in humans to actually pick up and pay for vegetables cuz so far humans who leave the garden festivals always send me a check when they find they have run out of money. So far I have not been stiffed.

I am hanging the wallpaper - I finished the floor at least 2 weeks ago - seem longer than that to be frank - offered to pay a friend to do it cuz said friend likes to paper - but yesterday was supposed to be the day and it was just a matter of David helping her put a couple of tables and a container of water - and it didn't work out. I have three more lengths of paper to hang - it looks very nice and I am surprised that it doesn't look worse - I am no papering fool - she would have done a much better job I am sure - but the walls aren't exactly straight. I like the idea of things being perfect at times - but mostly I just want to get by - I am leaning toward Atomic Living. Get close - make do - eliminate waste. I don't care if the vendors at the markets pay me an exactly 10% of profit - just knock off a full 10% to bring your total down - that's set aside for your taxes and market purposes - then figure 10% again with a top of $15 and if there's pennies - oh please!

I keep looking at my 80 tomato plants dying in the lower garden and the clouds getting ready to let go again - they aren't dying from the heat but the lack of air in the soil - fourth year. 13 years we used that lower garden - I cannot remember once the garden dying from rain. Last four scares me to death. Oil spills in the gulf - we are gonna eliminate ourselves. Garrison Keillor's article today in the Sunday Tulsa World was pretty much - "Might as well kiss our behinds," cuz it is all but over.

The young girl at Ace who waited on me was sick to her stomach - ulcers. Ulcers are curable I said. She knows but she is losing her job soon - she's a baby - must be her first out there - bless her heart. I got to leave home and go to DC and had a job that could have been a lifelong career. I came home instead and got married and moved to Minnesota for a couple of years and back here - he's the freak who got me into gardens - into the great outdoors - man am I tanned right now.

Well, the building will house the maters and peppers and whatever I get into it - as much as we go - I feel guilty cuz I don't go enough. Felt guilty at the market for using it to run for office - Rex said that was foolish - since that is what I do. OK - so if I get to shouldn't other candidates - no - he said - they don't do that for a living - hmmmm.

I wish my onions were weeded - paper first - squash into ground next - growling at the rain for a while - please - Dude - I know it is our fault but we have had enough here - but if I pray it away, it may stay away and that doesn't work either. So maybe He will work on the ones of us who don't believe its real or has power to fix it - boy that would be nice.

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