Thursday, May 6, 2010

Animals in the garden

Just as I finished my last email I went outside to work but I had been hearing the plea of a small creature thru my office windows - I knew that a frog had been caught by a snake - but I didn't know I would find it. The cat had spied it on a plastic tarp - the snake - light green with round eyes 3 feet long had a small bullfrog by one leg - his tiny screams of Help - this loud chirp - this plea. I looked at the snake and that frog - the snake was too small; the frog too large - he only had one leg down its throat and the rest would not go - so I picked up an 18 in handtool and proceeded to pin the snake to the tarp. Oh, he faked it - he rattled that tail - there was no diamonds and it was as pointed as a pen. The frog was still screaming his 'let me goooooo' and finally my tool in the middle of the snakes back caused him to release his grip. The frog leaped 3 feet straight up and the snake slithered into my shade garden - damnit - not exactly a good spot - but I doubt he will stay long. I did try to shoo him further but he is under mulch - its ok - he's harmless - the frog is safe.

Sometimes I even amaze myself - not a scream no hesitation.

My dad was scart to death of things like that - scared - I spelled it incorrectly on purpose. He killed snakes and spiders as if they were the size of volkswagons - initially gardening scared me - bugs - spiders, snakes - worms - now I am one with it all. Yesterday 2 nukes of bees were delivered by my beekeeper - the indominable Ms Della and my hair was still drying and blowing about wildly. I got stung twice by bees who accidently became entangled in my hair. Even my bees did not hurt me for their sake but out of fear of my wild ass hair that was blowing all over the place and they were kinda lost and scared - they got caught - I'll bee more careful.


  1. smiles - I speak absolutely no chi, no jap, no kor - no hmmmm - I have no idea what you have written - but domo arigato unless it is not ice
