Thursday, April 30, 2009

Buy local Buy Detroit ?

I kid you not. Check it out here.. Seriously this is the organization I envisioned for Tulsa when I started this blog. Anyone else like the idea you are welcome to join my efforts.

Down with raised beds? Interesting?

Seems Gene Logdon has some good points. I have been secretly thinking about getting rid of my raised beds and going straight into the dirt. When I was a boy my mother would have thought raised bed gardening was a kooky hippy thing. Now that it is all out in the open I have to confess I have always been too lazy to double dig.

I hope everyone got their plants....

in the ground before all this wonderful. I know I didn't. Oh well can't fret about it now.

Friday, April 24, 2009

I know I know

I have mentioned that I was going to post a picture of the wadding pool garden. I still am I am just a little overwhelmed getting my garden planted, and planting my "Urban Agriculture" Display at OPCG. I have to go and water in a minute. The light should be prefect for some pictures.

Buy Fresh Buy Local.

Farmer's Markets are starting up or the season. I added a link at the bottom of the page. The link re-directs you to the Kerr Foundation. I have not had a lot of time to read the material on the page so I do not know if I agree with it of not. I will post more about the Kerr Foundation in the future.

Lunatic Farmers?

New documentary film show cases Crazy Farmers. Maybe we need more Farmers to lose their minds. It might be a while before the film is screened locally. If it shows up on the Internet I will post a link.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Bee Buzz

I went to the North East Oklahoma Beekeeper's Association last night. They had a very nice meeting. Even provided food. Of course you mention food I will be there. The speaker gave a very nice presentation about bee plants, and which plants to plant to provide bees with pollen and nectar through out the year. I might ask her to speak at a TCGA meeting. When the plant list is up on NEOBA website I will post a link.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Community Greenhouse????

I ran across this article the morning wanted to share it with everyone. I don't know why but I have never associated the words Community and Greenhouse before. But I guess when you live in the frozen north it makes sense.

Broke ground so to speak yesterday.

I got the wadding pool garden filled and half way planted in OPCG I will share pictures when I go to water later today.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

It is a beautiful day

And the 7 day outlook shows no signs of frost. I am going to start planting. Both Owen Park and Brady Heights need help today in their community gardens. Even if you do live in the neighborhood or have a plot volunteer to help or just stop by and say hello.

Friday, April 10, 2009

This is way cool.

Michelle Obama launches first white house vegetable garden since World War Too. I was watching the Civil War Series by Ken Burns the other night and I saw several pictures of the White House Green Houses. When we think about green houses we think about the garden store and bedding plants, but those Green Houses were to grow food not flowers. I bet the food will taste much better picked fresh. Then you have to wonder what the big agro corporations in California think about it. Well it seems Maria Shiver is doing it too.

Owen Park Work Party

Notice sent to me from the facilitator.

I know its short notice but work day Sat. the 11th
(preparing the soil)@ 554 N. SantaFe Ave. 9:30AM
Come earlier, come later I will be there most the morning rain or shine.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Urban Beekeeping

Here is a very informative Q and A by Jean-Claude Bourrut Lacouture about Urban Apiaries. If you are on Dial Up Internet, start the video and let it start to buffer then pause it. After it downloads you can finish watching it.

Mystery Solved

They seems to be some speculation going around my neighborhood about the strange glow emitting from my house at night. So I decided I best come clean.

One Two Three

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

We made it! Well part of it anyway.

Earlier I had posted a request to the Tulsa Area Community Garden Association asking members to attend their precinct meetings and submit resolutions about our cause. The community garden resolution was kinda combined with the allotment resolution and adopted. The secure food resolution did not make it. Our resolution is number seven on page seven. Here is a copy of all the resolutions. Ohe was reworded because of a misprint, and only number one of the non-recommended resolutions was adopted. This is proof the a few individuals can make a difference.

The organization Continues.

I setup a document group on Scribd. Please post any non-image items there. Images go in the group photo album on Photobucket Scribd is a great site to post your How-to articles. So if your inspired with a great idea post how to do it and I will link to it here.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Friday, April 3, 2009

As with Brady Heights so with Owen Park.

Out of the ashes a garden is rising.

Pictures: Here, and Here.

It's true I got the pictures to prove it.

Congratulations to the folks in Crosbie Heights. A garden is starting to form.

Pictures: Here, Here, and Here.

Need something? Have something you don't use? Have something to share?

Let Turley Bloom and A Third Place Community Center is having a swap meet tommorrow 4-4-09 at O'Brien Park 61st and North Lewis. From 10am till 2pm. Seed-Sharing, Plant-Swapping, Tool Exchange, ETC. At 11 am there will be a special gathering for those involved or interested in joining with our community gardening projects in our area. Here is a link to their blog:

Brady Heights Work Party

Brady Heights Community Garden has scheduled a work party from 9 to 12 tomorrow 4-4-09. If you don't have a bed in BHCG you are still welcome to volunteer or just stop by and see the garden.


We will be focusing on cleaning up the back of the property, spreading mulch and working on the mess that spreads from the property to the north.  This will require some chain sawing so if you have that equipment please bring it.  We already have a wood pile going that we can use later for a fire pit.

Wading pools, Wading pools, anyone got some wading pools?

I am still looking for slightly used child wadding pools for the demo garden. The two I was planning on getting donated got given to someone else. If you come across any email me.

Rumor has it.

I hear there is a new community garden in the Crosbie Heights just waiting to be planted. I am going out with my camera and see if I can find it. Check back later for pictures.

Permaculture for Newbies

Gaia's Garden, Second Edition, A Guide to Home-Scale Permaculture by Toby Hemenway is due at the end of this month. A little late for a guide to planting this years garden. But a good reference book to have on the shelf. For more information about the book you can go here.
If you have a little extra cash be a good citizen and order a second copy for the Tulsa Library. It's easy to donate books to the Library, just drive by and drop it in the book return box. The Librarians will add the book to the catalog.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Owen Park is a go!!!!!

The deal is complete. Lets all welcome Owen Park Community Garden to the family. More details to come.

BHCG benefits from "Day of Caring

Students from the Mingo Valley Christian School spent their "Day of Caring" helping to get the community garden in Brady Heights ready to plant.

A big thank you to all who helped.

Pictures: One, Two, and Three

The organization process continues.

I started a group photo album on Photobucket. Please put any photos you want to share there and link to them. A picture is worth a thousand words so please share your photos with us, but remember some of us may by on dial up so please be kind and link to the album.

Why this is happening.

I am starting this blog because I feel that food security is the most important issue the we face everyday.

About a month ago I decided to plant a Urban Agriculture Demo Garden. As I was planning the plot, I thought I needed a way if sharing the successes and failures since it is going to be an experiment in Urban Agriculture techniques. As with most things the blog idea evolved to be more that just a way of documenting my experiment.

So here you have it. This blog will be used to discuss and disseminate information about Community Gardens, Urban Agriculture, Food Security, and other related items.

If you feel as strongly about the subject as I do, please send me a email and I will add you as a contributor.
